Monday, February 21, 2011

China Glaze Crackle

  Crackle is the newest line of polishes by China Glaze polishes. There are six different colors to choose from and the one I am using is called Black Mesh and I used it on a few nails over Revlons Gold Coin. What I noticed is that a heavy coat will not crack (at least on my nails it didn't) a light coat will do and  it dries quicker. I think I will be experimenting with this one for a while........

Monday, February 14, 2011

NOTW:Wet Cement

             I had to use 2 coats on some nails and 3 on others to get this creme polish to look right. Its an okay color but not the kind of gray I've been looking for so the  search continues..................

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

NOTW:Polka Dots

Excuse the mess, I have shakey hands ,I think it looks better from a distance I had to use a bobby pin to do the dots b/c my dotting tool sucks.I hate how it turned out but I love the colors together.